Is your student Career Ready?

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The Center for Community Work and Learning supports opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of social responsibility and refine their practice of ethical leadership in the tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Each semester we work with over 40 undergraduate and graduate service-learning courses, providing students with opportunities to apply their learning to real-world contexts and engage in critical reflection.
Our student employment programs, both on campus and with local nonprofits, foster investment in community, professional development, and collaboration: America Reads Tutoring, Career Ready Internships and Assistantship Mentoring Program(AMP).
Through Career Ready, students work independently in paid internships at community organizations, supported in part by a Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation grant. Juniors and seniors with financial need are encouraged to apply. Positions are posted on KatieCareer, the online employment portal for St. Kate’s students.
In AMP students work one-on-one with faculty or staff mentors as Teaching, Research, and Program Assistants. Juniors and seniors are encouraged to apply for semester to year-long positions. Application deadline for fall semester is April 18th.
Visit the Community Work and Learning (CWL) website for more information about service-learning and our student employment programs or stop by the office in Coeur de Catherine Room 233.